The #1 Legal Niche for PI Attorneys

At Law Tigers, we are all about educating the riding community on safety and awareness. The last thing we want is for any rider to experience a life-threatening motorcycle accident. Unfortunately, these accidents do happen and when they do, they need an experienced attorney to be by their side.

It Just Makes Sense

There’s a reason that motorcycle accidents are so sought after by personal injury lawyers. They are generally 3 to 5 times more valuable than typical automobile accident cases because the injuries are more significant.

Motorcycle collisions often involve fatalities and very serious injuries, including:

  • Head Trauma
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Broken Neck
  • Degloving

Motorcycle accidents happen most often in three scenarios. They often occur at intersections, where a car is turning left in front of an oncoming motorcycle. They also commonly take place when a driver backs out of a driveway into traffic without looking, cutting off the rider. Another common crash scenario occurs when two lanes of traffic are stopped and a car pulls out from a cross-street, driving in front of a motorcycle rider. The unfortunate fact is that our riders are vulnerable on the road, and too often drivers are not paying close enough attention.

Hear it from our Law Tigers Members…

Matthew Roden is an attorney at Shelby Roden, part of our Alabama and Florida Panhandle market. Watch his testimonial to learn how the Law Tigers marketing expertise and hyper-focused approach helped grow business exponentially, with no cap for the future.

Matt Roden Testimonial

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Choose Your Niche with the Help of Law Tigers

Most lawyers will never get these high-value motorcycle cases on their own. Law Tigers’ marketing program delivers them consistently, year over year. As just one example, one of our attorney members took in $20 million in motorcycle fees last year.

If you are considering adding a niche motorcycle practice to your existing firm’s practice areas, we’d be delighted to walk you through our program. An easy way to start is to complete our online form.

As we tell our clients, “When you need us, we’ll be there, with the strength and experience that makes us who we are.”

We’re by your side.

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Dave Thomas

David L. Thomas, MBA
SVP of Growth & Business Development | ΑΦΑ